Xbox 360 star trek games
Xbox 360 star trek games

xbox 360 star trek games

As long as they're holding still, or engaged in general dive-rolling-into-cover actions, Kirk and Spock look and sound a lot like Chris Pine and Zachary Quinto, respectively ('cause they did the voice acting). It's just that at first the graphics got my hopes up that this wouldn't be a bad game. I shouldn't have been surprised by any of that. The end." No? Too much? Alright then, how about combat that isn't completely generic, featuring a clever weapon perhaps? Maybe some kind of substantial difference between the two playable characters? Or even a reasonable expectation that a bug won't cause my own weapon to explode in my face when I fire a charged shot? Nope, nope, and nope. how about a plot that's more ambitious than, "Oh no, velociraptors with ray guns have stolen a superweapon, we'd better shoot them until we get it back! Pew pew pew. What did I expect from a licensed game released a few weeks ahead of a major movie? Oh, I don't know. Terrible animations, dull combat, repetitive puzzles, and rampant bugs wore out Star Trek’s welcome long before its pointless story came to an end. but playing Star Trek: The Game reminded me that it'll never get any easier to see the potential of one of science fiction's greatest universes squandered on a barely serviceable, paint-by-numbers third-person shooter. As a life-long fan of the shows and films, I've seen a lot of bad Star Trek in my time.

Xbox 360 star trek games